14/09/24 02:30 AM

Nirmal Quadriceps Exercise Table – Fb – 2901

Nirmal Quadriceps Exercise Table – Fb – 2901

Description :

Designed for effective administration of progressive resistance exercise to the knee joints muscle groups. Both Quadriceps and Hamstrings can be exercised with out changing the position of the patients.

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Designed for effective administration of progressive resistance exercise to the knee joints muscle groups. Both Quadriceps and Hamstrings can be exercised with out changing the position of the patients. Resistance bar is calibrated so that resistance can be varied from 1/2 and 3/4 and maximum without adding weight, the unit consists of foam padded seat with padded back rest.

Table size 70cm x80cm x120cm high.

The torque unit consists of two lever arms one of which hold the weight while the other provide contact with the patient. The exercising of the opposite leg is done by the lifting of the torque unit from its bracket and placing it on the other end of the table.By changing angle between the two arms, maximum or minimum resistance can be given at any point in the range. Comes with 6kg weights.