10/02/25 18:14 PM

Complex Exercising Unit – Fb – 2792

Complex Exercising Unit – Fb – 2792

Description :

This complete exercising unit comes with following attachments for administration of accurately controlled progressive resistive and also passive and stretching exercises to all major muscle and restoration of motion to all major joints with the exception of those of the fingers and toes.

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This complete exercising unit comes with following attachments for administration of accurately controlled progressive resistive and also passive and stretching exercises to all major muscle and restoration of motion to all major joints with the exception of those of the fingers and toes. This unit has attachments for neck knee and hip flexion and extension, trunk flexion, ankle plantar and doorsiflexion, everation and inversion, internal and external rotation, adduction or abduction of the hips, shoulder exercises and hyper extension, exercises of the back.

The unit is 78″ long 32″ wide and the table is 34″ high. The foam padded table is mounted on a tubular frame. Complete unit consists of one table, weight pan assembly and the following attachments and accessories.

Standard Features:
Nirmal ankle and leg exerciser – 1,
Alu. Quadriceps boot adult and child – 2 each,
Alu. foot drop boot adult and child – 1 each,
Small Weight Pan – 1,
Supination and Pronation wheel-1,
Cast Iron Weight Plates;1kg,2kg,3kg, – 4 each,
Hip rotation attachment -1,
Abdominal & back exercise shoulder straps adult & child – 1 each,
Pelvic rest -1,
Quadricepsrest – 1,
Head harness – 2,
Wrist Cuff – 2,
Ankle cuff-2,
Aluminium bar 48″and 24″- 1 each,
Alum. bar 18″ – 2,
Alu. collars – 12, Wire handles – 2,
Cast iron weight plates; 1kg, 2kg, 3kg- 6 each, 5kg -2,
Wooden cabinet for storage – 1.